How can you help SEE get the maximum funding? Your child's attendance helps to determine our funding level. The months of October and November are particularly important in determining the average daily attendance at our school. The funding we receive from the state is heavily based on this average daily attendance. If you need to make an appointment for your child, please try to have them at school for at least 63% of the day (Check-in by 10:20 AM or Check-out after 1:30). We understand that there are emergencies and issues beyond your control, however, if we all make the extra effort we can meet or exceed our goal of an overall daily attendance rate of 97%. We are offering several incentives to help us reach this goal for the 39 school days of October and November.
- Daily incentives for attendance offered by teachers and shout-out celebrations from the office for each class with perfect attendance that day.
- Weekly incentives such as prize drawings in the office for students with perfect attendance all week.
- Prize drawings for PARENTS of students with perfect attendance during October and November.
- Monthly celebrations for students with perfect attendance all month.